To the man that killed my Robert

Rebecca Molano
8 min readJan 18, 2022

To the man that killed my baby.

Robert was such a kind boy. He was so smart and all he ever wanted was to be loved. I think about how he must have been neglected and how his mother’s sickness affected him as a child and my heart just breaks. When I saw you in the court room for the first time, I heard your voice — cold and callous. I don’t know if I believe that people are born evil. I know from experience that life can break your spirit and cause so much anger, but I just can’t imagine a baby being born evil. I heard that your parents were drug addicts and that you grew up…



Rebecca Molano

Rebecca Molano is a Wellness Counselor, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach and trauma survivor. She thrives educating her audience on living their best life.